MCMS Teacher Appreciation Week 2024!

Good Evening MCMS Families,

We hope you and your family are having a great week.  Next week, May 6th - 10th, is Teacher Appreciation Week at MCMS!  We are excited to honor the amazing educators we have at MCMS and show them the appreciation they deserve.  We are asking for your help!  Below are two great opportunities to show how much you appreciate our teachers! 

Help Needed- Teacher Appreciation Week Duty Free Lunch

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are giving are our teachers a Duty-Free lunch on Friday, May 10th.  We need help from our amazing parents to come volunteer to cover lunch.  Please sign up on the MCMS Teacher Support- Duty Free Lunch (5/10/24) form

Thank Your Teachers Each Day Next Week!

MCMS Teacher Appreciation week

Thank you for your constant support of our teachers and school. Mid-Carolina is a great school with a great community!

Have a great day!

Dr. Paul Dobyns
Mid-Carolina Middle School

Mid Carolina Middle Logo

Student Focused, Community Driven!


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