MCMS Update - May 20 - 24, 2024

Good Afternoon MCMS Families!

Happy Last Friday of the school year!  We have four short days of school left until Summer Break!  We have had fun wrapping up our end of the year activities and closing out another great year at MCMS.  We would like to thank our students, parents, teachers, and community members for all of your support during the year.  We hope everyone has a relaxing summer and we can't wait to see you back in August!

On Thursday, May 16th, we inducted our newest group of Junior Beta Club students.  We are excited to see this group serve our school and community. 

Beta Induction

Beta Induction

   MCMS End of the Year Awards Ceremonies- May 20, 2024

We have enjoyed celebrating the accomplishments of our 6th and 7th grade students this week.  We have so many talented students and are proud of there hard work.  Our 8th grade class will have there end of the year awards on Monday.  We look forward to honoring the Class of 2028!

  • 8th Grade Awards and Promotion will be Monday, May 20th at 8:05 AM in the Big Gym
For those that are unable to attend the ceremony, we will live stream the event on our school Facebook page.

Summer Reading books are in!

For those of you that made Summer Reading book selections through Scholastic, your books are in!  We will be passing out the books next Monday and Tuesday.  Thank you for taking part in this process and we hope you enjoy!

Please read below for your MCMS Update for May 20th - 24th please reach out to the main office (803-364-3634) if you have any questions. 

May Student Activity Schedule:

  • 8th Grade Awards and Promotion (5/20)
  • Field Day (5/21)
  • Half Day (5/22)
  • Last Day of School (Half Day) (5/23)

MCMS Schedule- May 20th - 24th:

  • Monday (5/22)
    • 8th Grade Awards and Promotion Ceremony - 8:05 AM Big Gym
  • Tuesday (5/21)
    • Field Day
  • Wednesday (5/22)
    • Half Day for Students - 11:30 AM Dismissal
  • Thursday (5/23)
    • Last Day of School - Half Day for Students - 11:30 AM Dismissal 
  • Friday (5/24)
    • Teacher Workday - Summer Break for Students!

Upcoming Schedule- May 27th - August 7th:

  • Summer Break!

Live to Give- Mental Health Awareness

One of our 7 mindsets is Live to Give. The main focus of this mindset is about serving others. As a school, we feel it is important to model this idea and life quality for our students. Each month MCMS will focus on one or more causes/themes to bring awareness too. This month our Live to Give focus will be Mental Health Awareness Month.

Mental Health Month

Yearbooks are in!

The yearbooks are in!  There are a limited number of copies, so you need to order yours today.  The yearbook can only be ordered by going to and typing in Mid-Carolina Middle School.  The cost to purchase a yearbook is forty dollars.  All sales are online we do not take money at school for them they can only be purchased online.  Yearbooks will be delivered to students at the end of next week and students will be given time to sign each others books.  

MCMS Summer Office Hours

The MCMS Summer Office hours begin on Monday, June 3rd. The main office will be open from 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday during the summer. MCMS will be closed on Fridays and the week of July 4th. MCMS will resume normal Monday - Friday office hours on Monday, July 29, 2024.

MCMS Archery BBQ Fundraiser

Please consider supporting our MCMS Archery team by purchasing a fundraiser plate from Shealy's!  Contact Coach Traylor at if you are interested in supporting our team.  Plates will be available for Pick-Up on May 21, 2024 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.
Archery Fundraiser image 

MCMS Athletics

If you have any questions about MCMS athletics or your child's athletic participation, please reach out to our Athletic Director, Coach David Meetze (

Thank you for your constant support of our teachers and school. Mid-Carolina is a great school with a great community!

Have a great day!

Dr. Paul Dobyns
Mid-Carolina Middle School

Mid Carolina Middle Logo

Student Focused, Community Driven!


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